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Some useful numbers

The Human Genome
Number of Genes: estimated 40 000 - 140 000
Number of base pairs: ca. 3-4 exp9
Mass: 3 pg (haploid set of chromosomes)

Exchange Rates
1 US$ = 1 Euro = 100 Jap. Yen (very roughly)

Total Japanese Research Activity
Research Personnel
Industry 404, Research Institutes 43, Universities 167
(thousand people in 1998. Source: AS)
Research Spending
Industry 10.7 (+6%), Res. Inst. 1.9 (+1.2%), Universities 1.9 (+1.5%)
(1exp12 yen in 1997, change from previous year. AS)
USA 56%, Japan 21%, Germany 6.2%, France 2.5%, GB 2.2%, Others 12%
(national share of patents registered in the US, 1996. AS)

Pharmaceutical Market
(Japanese market volume, in 1exp9 Yen)
ItemMarket VolumePercent of totalRemarks

Pharmaceutical Production, 1998
Drugs for circulatory system organs98516.9
Other metabolic drugs5519.4
CNS drugs5078.7
Drugs for digestive system organs5018.6
Exodermal drugs4026.9
Drugs for blood and body fluids2784.8
Biological products2344.0
Vitamin preparations2293.9
Pep-up drinks2083.6

Total 19985842100
Total 19976148
Total 19956168
Total 19905595
Total 19854002

Import of pharmaceuticals, 19983741.31exp7 US$; % of total imports
Wholesale vol. (1997)67009% over production = wholesales margin

Sources: AS (Japan Almanac 2000), Ministry of Health and Welfare (厚生省:薬事工業生産動態統計年報), MITI (通商産業省:通商白書, 商業統計表 産業編)

Features Directory

Updated Jan.3, 2001 by Armin Rump